April 1, 2004

New American Song Cycles

A passionate advocate for American music, Sperry works to insure that the wonderful works he has unearthed will be easily available to others. He has compiled and edited several volumes of American songs for a number of American publishers.

Albany Records
Apple Music

About the album

Paul Sperry, tenor
Paul Moravec, piano

Track List

My Antonía
1) Lanscape I - From the Train
2) Antonía
3) Landscape II - Winter
4) The hired girls
5) Prairie Spring
6) Antonia in the Field
7) Landscape IV - Sunset

8) Gravity
9) Why We Have Cats
10) The End of Daylight Savings Times
11) Zoo Prepares to Adopt Metric System
12) Lines after Marianne Moore
13) Deer in Mist and Almonds
14) The Poetry of Sausages: Morcilla

Vita Brevis
15) Lullaby
16) My Heart Leaps Up
17) Mezzo Cammin
18) The Coming of Wisdom with Time
19) In Rememberance

Another Reason Why I Don't Keep a Gun in the House
20) Desire
21) Embrace
22) Cancer
23) Flames
24) Putting Down the Cat
25) Another Reason Why I Don't Keep a Gun in the House

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